Crop & cultivation
Freesia is an herbaceous plant, growing from a corm.
Following planting, one or more shoots will emerge that initially produce leaves. A period of at least six weeks, at temperatures preferably below 17º C, is required for flower bud initiation.
Following initiation, these will develop into stems bearing the characteristic flower spikes. One or more side shoots will also develop into flowering stems if growing conditions are optimal.
After flowering, stems and leaves will die back. The swollen, underground portion of the stem then develops into a new corm. Between two and six cormlets (baby corms) may develop around the base of this new corm. Cormlets may also develop in the stem axils.
After lifting, corms and cormlets must be stored for at least three months at temperatures of 28-30º C, prior to replanting once small root tips have become visible on the surface of corms or cormlets. The cultivation cycle is then repeated.
Freesia can be cultivated in greenhouses and outside in various regions and temperature zones. However, a period of lower temperatures is essential for flower bud initiation. The plant is also frost sensitive and prolonged temperatures above 30º C are detrimental to crop and flower development.